We’re all grown-ups here. That being said, anyone who’s done his/her research knows that there’s a strategic element to the “vaccines” that includes depopulation. It’s no longer a conspiracy theory. And no, you won’t find information about COVID “vaccine” depopulation in the mainstream media – yet. Governments around the world, including the USA, are purposely killing people. Worldwide data analysis agencies precisely know the outcomes of these shots. So if they know the injuries the shots cause, why are they still encouraging you to take them? Why haven’t they been pulled from the market? You shouldn’t be surprised – this has happened often throughout time. It’s even happened in the USA. If this is surprising to you, pick up a history book and welcome to your red pill moment.
The CDC admits that COVID “vaccines” cause people to get COVID
Research suggests COVID shots kill more people than they save
A good strategy for those trying to depopulate the globe and who are trying to implement their plans using a “vaccine” is to first remove from availability the therapeutics that really work. The two most vilified drugs that fit into this category are hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin because they both work wonders against COVID and most other viruses. Nothing is 100%, of course, but early treatment using hydroxychloroquine and/or ivermectin will likely mean that COVID will not take hold in the body. Again, this is not a conspiracy theory. These drugs work. Period. And they’re the ones that are really safe and effective.
So how do they work? The key is zinc. Zinc inactivates the enzyme that enable viruses to replicate. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are called zinc ionophores. Zinc ionophores help open up channels in the cell so that zinc can easily enter. Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin aren’t the only zinc ionophores, but they are among the best.
EVERYONE should have hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin in their homes. In addition, there are a few other reliable, safe, and well-known therapeutics and vitamins that can be added to your arsenal as well. Below is a list. This list, along with proper eating and together with light, regular exercise (which builds and strengthens the immune system) of some kind is the best protection you could have.
What’s proper eating? It’s simple. Eat lots of healthy, unprocessed foods that produce oxygen. Why oxygen? Oxygen is used for repair of the immune system. So lean meats, green leafy vegetables, blueberries…you get the picture.
When you’re confronted with a health issue of any kind, think natural first. If, after natural won’t work for you, then consult your corporate hospital doctor. You’d be surprised how easily and effectively you can clear up most maladies on your own. Your body is amazing and it has a power to heal itself that is incredible. Don’t allow yourself to be told or believe that you are lacking in this power. And definitely don’t be in a rush to put a pharmaceutical of any kind into your body unless it’s absolutely necessary. Take a look at our sister site, Ten Minute Natural Health, which provides expert advice on the topic of natural health and natural alternatives.
Another thing to consider – is it time to demote your doctor? The medical profession is not what it used to be and COVID revealed its dark underbelly. An alternative to try would be an N.D instead of an M.D. An N.D is a Naturopathic Doctor. Before you roll your eyes know this – an N.D. requires the SAME (and usually much more) training than an M.D. does. Also, an N.D’s goal is to make you better. Can the same be said of your doctor? Does your doctor really have your best interest in mind? In NJ you will need to pay an N.D. out-of-pocket because insurance companies will not recognize them (I wonder why?) Of course, an N.D. can’t help you if you suffer a broken bone but when it comes to chronic illnesses and non-structurally related ailments an N.D. could be exactly what you need. I personally consult with an N.D. from the Merchantville Medical Wellness Center and have had great results.
Have We Killed the Medical Profession?
Here’s the list –
Ivermectin and/or Hydroxychloroquine
Early Treatment from America’s Frontline Doctors
Early Treatment from Reliable Rx Pharmacy
Quercitin or Glutathione
Vitamin D Vitamin D Safe & Effective in Preventing COVID-19
Vitamin C Vitamin C As An Antiviral: It’s All About Dose
NAC (n-acetyl cysteine)
*Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are no longer impossible to find and purchase although you might have to jump through some hoops to do so. New laws are requiring the dispensement of these drugs in pharmacies to be a simple process in many places. For now, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine can still be purchased online, even from some of the links found on this website.
*Preliminary findings show the ivermectin can successfully be used by those who have already taken the shots as it may bind to and inactivate the immune-system destroying components of the spike protein. More on this will be posted as the research progresses.