An Intro to Vaccine Safety

An Introduction to Vaccine Safety is a guide provided by ICAN (Informed Consent Action Network). It will help you make a truly informed decision regarding vaccines for yourself, your children and other loved ones. In it, the hard questions are asked that far too many in the media and the medical profession avoid.

Also shared are critical facts like the fact that Big Pharma is immune from any and all liability for the vaccine products they create. This immunity means that Big Pharma has no incentive to ensure vaccine safety. This means that if you or a loved one is injured by a vaccine…you’re mostly out of luck.

The Main Stream Media, the CDC, FDA, WHO, NIH, Big Pharma – none of them have any interest in telling you the risks associated with vaccines. Their job is to sell the vaccines to you and keep their profits and their advertising dollars flowing.

Sadly, this has been woefully demonstrated over the last two years.

Get the guide HERE.

1986: National Childhood Vaccine Injury Actshields all vaccine manufacturers, health care professionals, and practices from liability resulting from vaccine injury or death.

2011: Bruesewitz vs. Wyeth…U.S. Supreme Court rules that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe, and that manufacturers may not be sued for design defect.

NOTE: A person born in 1960 was given 3 vaccines by the time he/she turned 18. A person born in 1983 was given 11. Someone born in 2018 will have received more than 55 (FIFTY FIVE) shots when they’ve reached 18.

Vaccines for U.S. Children from Birth To Age 18

Learn The Risk

Here are the 6 reasons not to jab your kids:

1. The Vaccines are Experimental—not FDA approved.
2. The Vaccines are not safe—over 1 million adverse events have been recorded, and over 40,000 deaths…
3. The Vaccines are not effective—they don’t stop Covid and they don’t stop transmission…
4. The Vaccines are not necessary—natural immunity is far safer and more effective…
5. Omicron is mild…
6. Kids under 18 are 51 times more likely to die from the shot than they are to die from Covid if not vaccinated.

It’s surprising to me that people would rush to get themselves injected with an unnecessary, untested, new technology because of media manipulation, coercion, etc. What’s more surprising is that COVID isn’t the first time. In the 70’s we faced a very similar situation. Watch this (deleted in many places) 60 Minutes excerpt about the Swine Flu and it’s associated governmental vaccine solution…