“Being awake isn’t a blessing, it’s a burden. Only the strongest of souls can wake up every day and see the whole world sleeping around them and still carry on as if everything is normal.”
We all have busy lives. Several years ago I paid little attention to the workings of my own government. I couldn’t have even told you the names of the Secretary of State, Defense, etc. I figured…they know what they’re doing and what power would I have to change things anyway? Like most Americans, I was fast asleep to what was going on around me. I was spoiled. I lived in the USA so I was good and there was nothing to worry about!
I started to awaken when the government suggested that I take a shot for a virus that causes an illness with a 99.9% recovery rate. Then I woke up a little more when my government started offering me lottery tickets, hamburgers, and cash payments for taking the same shot. Then I officially woke up big-time when my government started forcing me to take the shot…or else. Why does the government care so much that I take this shot? It can’t be about health!
For most of us, COVID and it’s associated illegal government policies are what motivated us to come together. As we educated ourselves, we realized that it’s not just about COVID at all but goes much higher. Now we know we’re in a worldwide battle of good vs. evil.
As busy as we are with work, school, and family obligations, we can no longer afford to live life in the dark. It’s more important than ever to be aware of what’s really going on so that we can stay a step ahead of what’s to come.
We have to take back ownership of our country. So, if you believe in the US Constitution, the principles of free speech and personal autonomy, medical autonomy, and autonomy at every level, it’s time to fight. Otherwise, our children will live in a techno-fascist regime for the rest of their natural lives, as serfs.
The Deptford Patriots are composed of people with incredibly diverse backgrounds, both professionally and politically. The tyranny of the past couple of years has affected all of us. We’ve made it our group mission to wake people up. We care deeply about what’s happening in our world, nation, and local districts. If you’ve ever asked yourself what you can do as a lone individual to help…then we welcome you! Come stand with us as we peacefully try to educate and awaken one person at a time. Your presence matters!
The Deptford Patriots are affiliated with the World Wide Rally for Freedom. The World Wide Freedom Rally was founded in 2021 in response to the massive coordinated infringements on Human Rights that occurred during the Coronavirus Pandemic. To learn more about this global organization, click HERE
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